Mandie is Crowdfunding for Extra Life!

Mandie is Crowdfunding for Extra Life!

As of the original publishing of this blog post, I am currently sitting at $472 on my Extra Life fundraising page with a goal of $800. I've decided to shake things up for my last two weeks, and I'm going to turn my Extra Life fundraising into a crowdfund!

DONATE HERE: Mandie's Extra Life Fundraising Page

The following is what you can expect:

  • $1 - A high five or a hug, depending on your mood. This will also include a follow on any of your social media pages - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest.

  • $5 - Gets you a spot on my GAME DAY SHIRT. Anything you want, within reason (remember, Extra Life is an all ages event), I will put on the shirt. I will even bring it by, to my locals, for your personal signature! This level on up also gets a shout out on my social media pages.

  • $10 - Choose something for me to play. Again, this is within reason and limited to what I own or what I can possibly borrow. I can guarantee that I'll be playing via PC, 360, 3DS, Kindle Fire, Magic: the Gathering, and other card/board games. This level on up gets a shout on my social media pages and my big wrap-up blog post!

  • $15 - I LOVE to make playlists/mixtapes. Want an original Mandie curated playlist? You give me the genres, I'll give you a playlist (preferably on Spotify).

  • $25 - Did you know that I'm a poet? I bet you didn't even know it! This is the LIMERICK level. You know "There once was a man from Nantucket..."? I will write a limerick about you, your pet, a loved one. Whatever your little heart desires.

  • $35 - CARD! Handwritten snail mail from yours truly!

  • $50 - You can pick a TV series for me to watch, no matter how terrible, and I HAVE to watch it. I'll even throw in some blog posts and reviews about my progress.

  • $75 - I have a ton of older Xbox 360 games and DVDs that need to find a new home. I will pick a random game or movie (your preference) for you out of my collection and send it your way! Shipping included!

  • $100 - I will share a bomber with you at my favorite local watering hole, BREW! We get to have cool conversations and drink some craft beer or mead at the same time!

  • $150 - I'm not the greatest cook on the planet, but I can make some pretty mean baked goods, dog treats, and salads. You pick the food item and I'll make it for you! For those who live far away, this is limited to baked goods.

  • $200 - Interested in all those cool events that I attend around Jacksonville with Yelp, PB&J, and the like? Be my +1 for an event! I'll introduce you to some of the coolest movers and shakers in town and get your social networking kicked off in a flash!

  • $500 - An interview all about you and what you give to the world on this very blog,, for all the world to see!

  • $1000+ - My absolute undying love, plus EVERYTHING from the ABOVE.

Some rules and administration:

  1. For those who have already donated, donation levels ARE retroactive. If you reached a level already and really want whatever goes with it, please let me know. I wouldn't be getting to my fundraising goal without your support!

  2. If you have already donated to me, you will automatically make it onto my shirt (unless you chose to remain Anonymous on the public page of my donations). If there's something special that you would like me to put on there, please let me know!

  3. Most of you have already gotten a shoutout on social media, but if I missed you or you really want one, just reach out!

  4. Please put your request (for a playlist, limerick, food, etc.) in the comment section of your donation to make it easy for me to find when I go back to look through the donation listing.

  5. Receipt of awesome things will not be immediate. I can guarantee a date of, at least, before Extra Life next year.

  6. Please remember I'm doing this for fun and FOR THE KIDS!

In closing, I hope to see a nice jump in my fundraising from here until November 7th! If you have an idea for a fundraising level that you think I should add on, especially for my non-local friends, please let me know! I'd love to find some more cool ways to thank my far off friends!

And don't forget to donate: Mandie's Extra Life Fundraising Page!