E3 2015: Xbox Conference Live Blog
Here's an insight to my immediate thoughts as I watch Microsoft's press conference at the 2015 E3 Expo.
12:33 - Great to see a woman out front. Bonnie Ross is the head of 343 Industries.
12:34 - Halo 5 Guardians trailer with gameplay. I need to get my hands on an Xbox One.
12:35 - Master Chief has gone AWOL?
12:37 - No split screen on Halo 5, but I can't stand split screen anyways. No big loss for me.
12:40 - Lots of color and light in the gameplay and cinematics. Halo 5 looks pretty.
12:41 - Preview of Warzone, new PVP meets Player vs Everything. Yep, need to get that Xbox One.
12:43 - World Premiere trailer from Keiji Inafune. So far, we have a lady and her awesome looking robotic dog.
12:44 - Nooooooo Robo doggie!
12:45 - Aww, doggie is back in action. New game is called Recore, ironically. Interested to hear more about it.
12:51 - Elite Controller is sleek and pretty with total customization. About time. Having no real experience with the wired, I have no comparison as of yet.
12:55 - Fallout 4 preview - Pip Boy, robot-butler (I need one), and gameplay. I still haven't played any of the originals. I know, I know.
12:57 - EA Access looks pretty nifty. I'll have to remember to check it out when I finally get the One.
1:04 - I've never been the biggest Forza fan, but I respect the franchise. They always put out quality games.
1:05 - Henry Ford III on stage at E3.
1:06 - New Forza trailer. The graphics are always great.
1:07 - Another World Premiere. Hello, Dark Souls 3. Dudes walking across the screen look like the Skettis from The Dark Crystal.
1:08 - Dark, gloomy, scary world. Most likely will not be on my to-play list.
1:10 - Tom Clancy The Division. I love some Tom Clancy FPS and this story looks phenomenal.
1:12 - The Division beta in December for Xbox One players.
1:13 - Rainbow Six Siege comes with free RB6V and RB6V2 WITH backwards compatibility.
1:14 - The fall cannot come quick enough.
1:15 - Nice to see a bright fun game with Gigantic after all the post-apocalyptic premieres. It's a Windows 10 and Xbox One exclusive, too.
1:17 - Lots of new indie games coming out. I couldn't keep up to find out what they all were.
1:18 - Some interesting alone-in-space type games on the way, Tacoma and Adrift.
1:21 - Ashen is just as its name - shadowy, grey.
1:23 - Beyond Eyes is just the opposite. Bright, pretty with a girl as the main character. Not sure what kind of game that it will be, but it caught my eye based on the brightness alone.
1:25 - Cuphead harkens back to early Disney years with its animation, but with today's graphics. It looks fun. "Coming out 1936 (plus eighty years)." Clever devs are clever.
1:26 - Xbox Game Preview gives early access to games in development and allows players to play and give feedback to developers.
1:27 - The Long Dark, Sheltered, Elite Dangerous and Day Z will be going to XGP.
1:29 - Tomb Raider gameplay!
1:36 - And title: Rise of the Tomb Raider
1:37 - Rare Replay - 30 games for $30
1:39 - Black Sails the Game?
1:40 - Hmm, Sea of Thieves.
1:43 - Fable Legends looks absolutely beautiful.
1:48 - I've need a few minutes to digest Oculus Rift + Xbox One Controller + Windows 10 and Valve VR. So much tech.
1:49 - Now, Minecraft with Holo Lens. Whoa.
1:51 - GOW heads are about to flip their shit. Ultimate Edition coming August 25th with public beta starting today.
1:52 - Xbox One exclusive world premiere from The Coalition. What can it be??
1:53 - Looks like Marcus, but not sure.
1:54 - That tornado does not look promising.
1:55 - So much darkness. How do you even know what direction that you're facing?
1:56 - Oh, GEARS 4 in 2016!
1:58 - Bringing Xbox Games to Windows 10 this summer.