Free Comic Book Day Shenanigans 2015
This was the first year that I didn't go to Superhero Hive. Not because I don't love them, I consider them MY LCS, but because we have a fantastic selection of shops throughout town, almost one for each neighborhood now. I wanted to check out two, which I had yet to visit, and swing down to Altered Egos in Orange Park, as it was on my way to JaXboxChick's house for her birthday/graduation shindig yesterday afternoon. With our route set, my older niece and I set upon our quest.
My goal during Free Comic Book Day is to not be one of THOSE people, who just shows up for the free comics and leaves. It's not cool to do that. If you are one of those people, you should change that habit and buy something small for each store that you enter during FCBD.
So to my loot:
The Battlestar Galactica (original series) Story Book from Mythical Mountain in Mandarin. Such a cool find to add to my BSG collection. This store was the only one of those which I visited that actually did some kind of promotion at the door. You walked in and spun the wheel to find out what prize you could get (20% off purchase, Free Star Wars figure, etc) and then you could take your chance with a coin flip or with a comics trivia question. I was brave and went with trivia, and got the easiest question on the planet - What significant event in Batman's life was the motivation to protect Gotham?
On the suggestion of my friend, Ron, I included Cosmic Comics in my trek and what an excellent decision. This is where I picked up the first three issues of the new Star Wars: Princess Leia run, including the variant cover of #1 by Skottie Young. Included in my purchase was the Star Wars lithograph, also drawn by Skottie Young.
Finally, we hit Altered Egos Comics & Games, which is pretty far down there in Orange Park. I visited them for the first time during last year's FCBD with my younger niece. These guys are ultra friendly, easy to talk to, and totally passionate. They had the best spread of free comics that I had seen all day because they still had a ton of the Halloween comics left, as well. I got talking with the owner (John) about my adoration of Skottie Young and he hooked me up with the other 3 lithographs from Infinity, Original Sin, and Guardians. I also added to my Skottie Young variant collection with his Superior Iron Man, Bucky Barnes, and The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl variants.
We did start off the day at FLGS - Friendly Local Game Store, but they didn't seem to have any 2015 books. I was able to grab the Tesla collection from 2014 that I couldn't find and some Munchkin Zombies tokens. All in all, we had an excellent day of collecting comics and limited edition pieces, which turned into party time upon arrival to JaXboxChick's. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday.